Your Relationship Sentinel

TrustGuard AI

Empowering you with knowledge to foster trust, communication, and a healthy foundation for your love story.

Behavioral Red Flag Detector
Utilize our AI's keen observation to identify subtle changes in your partner's behavior, helping you stay attuned to potential warning signs.
Communication Anomaly Analysis
Track and analyze communication patterns to detect anomalies, empowering you to address any deviations from the norm.
Social Media Sentiment Analysis
Gain insights into your partner's online activities with sentiment analysis, offering a comprehensive view of their digital presence.
Activity Timeline Comparison
Compare your partner's stated activities with real-time data, promoting transparency and minimizing the possibility of hidden agendas.
Trust Level Visualizer
Visualize the trust level in your relationship, allowing you to address concerns and strengthen the foundation of mutual trust.
Integrity Report Generator
Receive detailed reports outlining detected anomalies and changes, facilitating open and honest conversations about the dynamics of your relationship.